Partnering Memberships & Certifications

Amotai is Aotearoa's supplier diversity intermediary tasked with connecting Māori and Pasifika-owned businesses with buyers wanting to purchase goods, services and works.
Amotai verifies Māori and Pasifika-owned businesses and holds a national database of Māori and Pasifika owned businesses that are ready for work.
Amotai also provides practical advice and support to Buyer Members so they can successfully engage with more Māori and Pasifika owned businesses. This practice, commonly known as supplier diversity and development, is a dynamic and evolving discipline.

Kenai Limited has sound procedures in place to keep its people safe. We hold a score of 92 % from IMPAC Prequal.
This Benefits our client organisations with:
Significant cost, resource and time savings
Access to a large range of independently assessed subcontractors
Prequalification handled by a specialist organisation
Consistent, auditable process
Increased confidence in contractor accreditation outcomes
Easy navigation, view and reporting of all your contractors
Simple search and connect functions when looking for prequalified contractors.
Sustainable Business Network

SBN are a network that enables system change in the areas of climate, waste and nature. they ’re a social enterprise, a community and a movement which helps us to transform leading ideas into action in Aotearoa.
The network consists of hundreds of progressive organisations and people that collectively invest in and act on system change.
We collaborate with SBN to co-create solutions to some of the biggest problems in New Zealand in the areas of climate, waste and water. We share, celebrate and promote these solutions throughout the wider community to help them become mainstream and have greater impact.
Mates in Construction

The MATES programme is an integrated model of universal, selective, indicated suicide prevention and mental health interventions as well as supporting treatment and continued care for individuals in a workplace setting.
We collaborate with MATES to create workplace communities through a multi-model programme which increases site capability, as mates look out for mates and encourages questioning of established stigma. The programme is FREE to everyone on site, giving access to the whole workforce.